Monday, August 19, 2013



     hardy. As much as my first-born is a girl, and loves to do girly things, she isn't afraid of hard work. Hannah doesn't struggle much with a complaining attitude, and takes life in stride whether it is handing out roses or sending rain.

     awesome. I love her! She is fun to be around and has a great laugh. She has grown so much in her conversational style, and the two of us really enjoy hanging out with one another. We can have a great laugh together, or simply read in silence.
     neat. Hannah is a neat girl, both in her management of stuff and her personality. She is respectful and sensitive to cleaning up her messes (as well as helping with her younger siblings' stuff). I rarely need to concern myself with her belongings. But more than that, she is a really cool girl.

     nice. I want to apply this most especially to her work with her younger siblings. Hannah works hard to participate in caring for her brothers and sisters. She is responsible, and takes that responsibility seriously. Rather than ignore their needs, she will find ways to resolve situations with them and between them. As a freshman in high school she is still not above playing Polly Pocket, Legos, or catch with the other kids.

   active. Even with asthma she readily jumps into any sport being played. She runs hard and loses well. Hannah also keeps an active mind with reading, reading, reading. She adores books, and finds just about any excuse to stop and peruse one.       

     honest. I think of all my children Hannah is the most naturally honest one of the bunch. She has never been one for telling lies, and I can consistently count on getting the truth without a bunch of rigamarole - even when it is not in her favor. I genuinely appreciate this characteristic, and know that it will serve her well in life.

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